Due to the difficulty of conforming to human recognition process with traditional open loop recognition system, a simulated intelligent recognition system with feedback structure was constructed. 针对传统基于开环的汉字识别系统不完全符合人类识字过程的问题,构建了一种具有反馈结构的仿人智能识别系统。
A open loop control system has been. made to run a small radiotelescope dish. 已实现用开环系统控制小射电望远镜天线。
Studied the system feasibility, a mathematical Model to this design was gived, which had not only the control precision of the fully closed loop system, but also the stability of the open loop system. 给出了数学模型。设计既有闭环系统的控制精度,又有开环系统的稳定性;
To design the control strategy for heating metal, the open loop system model of the metal heat conductor shall be obtained first. 设计金属加热的控制策略,首先要获得金属导热体的开环系统模型。
Compared with closed loop system, open loop system has higher efficiency and wider application. 与闭式系统相比,开式系统换热效率更高,应用更为广泛。
In this paper, the mathematical models of open loop system and feedback closed-loop system of a micro feed servo system using magnet are studied. 分析电磁式微进给伺服系统的开环和闭环数学模型,提出在非圆截面零件车削加工中针对给定轨迹渐变的修正迭代学习控制算法。
The slotted pipe with narrow slots can be mass worked economically and efficiently by means of open loop system and hand automatic model shifter. 采用开环系统和手动、自动模式切换装置,可以经济、有效、大量地加工带有窄缝的割缝筛管。
As an electromechanical element, which can transform digital electrical pulse signal into mechanical angle displacement, the stepper motor takes the advantage that it can work well in the open loop system, and is widely used in different kinds of control system. 作为一种将数字式脉冲信号转换成机械角位移的机电执行元件,步进电机的主要优点是能在开环系统中较好地工作,因此,它作为驱动元件广泛地应用于各种控制系统中。
Hydrostatic transmission system used in electric forklift truck is generally closed loop, but sometimes open loop system is more convenient for system configuration. 电动叉车行走机构的静液压系统一般采用闭式回路,但在有些情况下,采用开式液压系统更便于系统的配置。
Based on 2 norm estimate of matrix, stability of T S type fuzzy controller is studied and several sufficient conditions of open loop system are proposed. 利用矩阵的谱范数估计,研究了连续T-S型模糊控制器的稳定性,给出模糊开环系统稳定的充分条件。
The text makes dynamic particular analysis of the response of the system, also drawing the Bode figure of open loop system. 对系统的动态响应特性进行了定性描述,并绘制了开环系统的波德图。
But in open loop system, Σ-Δ modulation can only assure the high SNDR of input signal not the output signal because of the noise and nonlinearity introduced by power intermediate stages. 但在开环系统中,∑-Δ调制技术只能保证输入信号具有较高的SNDR,但对于中间级产生的非线性失真和噪声则变得无能为力。
By the matching design method, the dynamical equations of dosed loop system can match those of the open loop system. 方法采用匹配设计方法,通过匹配条件,使开环系统与闭环系统的动力学方程匹配。
The paper introduces a special open loop testing system designed by the authors. 介绍了自行设计的专用开环测试系统。
The motion stability of vehicle with steering angle input was analyzed in this paper, based on the modal of vehicle open loop system dynamics and the modal of driver-vehicle closed loop system dynamics, and the analysis results were compared. 本文在汽车开环操纵系统动力学和驾驶员汽车闭环操纵系统动力学角输入模型的基础上,研究了汽车的开环系统运动稳定性和驾驶员汽车闭环系统运动稳定性,并对其研究结果进行了比较。
On the basis of three-phase inverting circuit, this paper describes how to make the control method of open loop system in closed loop system. And the new control method is used in practice, to show the availability of this method. 以三相逆变电路为基础,阐述了如何将开环系统的控制方法用于闭环系统,并且介绍了这种新的控制方法在实际中的应用,证明了该方法的有效性。
Mostly analysis the noise behavior of mechanical thermal noise in the open loop system and close loop system, along with the dynamic range of the open loop system and close loop system, the noise of capacitive micro accelerometer is dominated by the magnitude of mechnical thermal noise; 主要分析了机械热噪声在开环系统和闭环系统中的噪声特性以及开环系统和闭环系统检测的动态范围,提出电容式微加速度计的噪声主要由机械热噪声的大小决定;
His paper discusses the robust stability of output feedback closed-loop systems, while all the matrices describing the open loop system contain uncertainties. 本文讨论了当开环系统的状态方程描述中各矩阵均含有不确定性时,经输出反馈构成的闭环系统的鲁棒稳定性。
In this paper. TS Fuzzy Model is built for uncertain Delta operator system. Also, the stability of open loop system and closed loop system is analyzed for this TS Fuzzy Model. 本文主要对不确定Delta算子系统建立它的TS模糊模型,并对建立了TS模糊动态模型的Delta算子系统的开环和闭环系统的鲁棒稳定性进行了讨论,给出了使系统鲁棒稳定的充分条件。
A three-stage trans-impedance amplifier designed in CMOS technology is presented, which stability can be promoted by varying the gain of open loop system. 设计了一种CMOS三级跨阻抗前置放大器,通过控制开环系统增益达到增加闭环系统稳定性的目的。
Research of Open Loop System of Three-phase Inverting Circuit Use for Closed Loop System 三相逆变电路中开环调节用于闭环系统研究
On the basis of analyzing system and mode of electric regulation, the article applys control theory to demonstrate limitation of open loop system of electric regulation which makes the result of electric regulation heavy uncertainty. 在分析我国电力监管体系与方式的基础上,运用控制理论证明了在现行电力监管体系下,开环结构的电力监管机制具有一定的缺陷,使监管结果具有很大的不确定性。
Through static and dynamic analysis it is sure that open loop system is better than close loop one on the performance. 通过静、动态分析,说明开式系统比闭式系统具有更好的性能。
This is a simple and usable open loop control system. 这是一种简单、实用的开环控制系统。
The method was introduced firstly with which LQG control and open loop system mean value and mean square error of a ship lateral motion were calculated. Applying the relative value of two kinds of system motion mean square error above assessed the robustness of the system control. 首先介绍船舶横向运动多变量LQG控制与开环系统均值、均方差计算方法,提出应用两种系统均方差相对值这一统计指标评价系统减摇控制的鲁棒性。
However, the conventional class D amplifier is the switching amplifier and it's an open loop system, significant non-linearity is inevitably presented at the output signal, so is the noise introduced by supply fluctuation. 但传统的D类放大器是开关型放大器,又是开环系统,所以不可避免的在输出信号中表现出较大的非线性,也无法抑制由于电源波动在输出级引入的噪声。
In view of the problems existing in open loop system of CNC machine tools with stepper motor as driving motor, such as lower servo precision, without compensation for step-losing of stepper motor and so on, this paper presents a new technique called quasi-close loop control. 针对以步进电机作为驱动电机的数控机床开环系统存在的一些问题,诸如伺服精度低、失步误差不能补偿等,文章提出了一种新的控制技术&准闭环控制。
With the help of the method, the control accuracy similar to that of close loop system can be obtained and the system has the same stability as that of open loop system. 采用这种控制方式,可以获得类似闭环系统的控制精度和开环系统的稳定性。
The open loop system of surface water heat pump is an operation mode in which pumps are used to carry water from lake, river or sea directly to the plate heat exchangers. 地表水源热泵的开式系统直接利用水泵抽取江河湖海等地表水送入板式换热器或水处理器直接进入机组进行换热的运行方式。
Relative to the open loop system, it can increase the transmission speed and improve the reliability. 相对于开环系统,闭环系统可以有效增加传输速率及改善系统可靠性。